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Welcome Messages
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Professor Anthony Man-Cho So

Dean of the Graduate School

University is a place not only for pursuing knowledge and excellence but also for defining your lifelong goals, learning to be independent and responsible, and expanding your social circles. In the process, you may feel lost and defeated, but hang in there, for there will be a way out. You may also encounter people who are very different from you, but don’t run away from them. Bear with them, listen patiently, and speak slowly, so that everyone is uplifted.

May I wish you all a fruitful university life!

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Professor Max Xiaobing Tang

Dean of Arts
Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Humanities

A warm welcome and hearty congratulations to all of you who become a member of CUHK in 2023, as we celebrate the 60th anniversary of our University!

The Faculty of Arts has more academic departments and centres for humanities research and education than any other universities in Hong Kong. We have always been pivotal to CUHK’s commitment to integrating Chinese and Western traditions, to bilingual education and scholarly pursuits. We are proud to have over 30,000 alumni living and working in every part of the world.

I encourage you to get to know the Faculty of Arts in all ways you can. You will find yourself inspired and your world extended.

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Professor Zhou Lin

Dean of Business Administration
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Economics

We are delighted that you have chosen CUHK as your partner to start your life journey as young adults. CUHK is a learning and living community that will nurture you, empower you, and shape you to be good citizens in society and lead a purposeful and fulfilling life.

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Professor Fan Xitao

Dean of Education
Wei Lun Professor of Educational Psychology

My warmest welcome to you for joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong! My big congratulations to you for your success in overcoming many challenges on your journey to pursue the education opportunities! As you start your student life here at CUHK, please take advantage of the many opportunities offered at CUHK, and make full use of the world-class facilities and resources available here at the University. I especially encourage you to have an open mind for a diverse range of perspectives and ideas that will challenge your thinking and broaden your horizons.

Welcome to CUHK!

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Professor Tsang Hon Ki

Dean of Engineering
Wei Lun Professor of Electronic Engineering

Congratulations on gaining admission to CUHK! You are embarking on a new journey of learning, a period with many opportunities and challenges. In this journey you can build lifelong friendships, and educate yourself with new skills and knowledge that can launch you in rewarding careers and a lifelong journey of personal growth. My advice for your journey at CUHK is to always remember that your primary purpose here is to gain knowledge and new skills. Do try to think strategically in setting your own longer-term goals and how you can equip yourself to be more competitive in your future careers: I urge you to seek out opportunities for experiential learning and make good use of your free electives to explore subjects outside your major. At CUHK you can find many internships, summer research programmes and overseas exchange opportunities to build networks of friends beyond your major, in colleges and student orientated team competitions. 

With the ample resources that CUHK can offer you, managing and using your time at CUHK wisely is essential for success. Good luck in your studies at CUHK. Engineering is a professional discipline that has excellent career prospects!

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Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff

Dean of Law
Wei Lun Professor of Law

J.K. Rowling, the British Harry Potter author, once said: “The stories we love best do live in us forever.” I sincerely hope that your CUHK story will be like this, i.e. that it will be one you love best and that CUHK will live in you forever!

Welcome on board!

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Professor Philip Wai Yan Chiu

Dean of Medicine
Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Professor of Robotic Surgery

Welcome to the family of CU Medicine!

CU Medicine is a world-class medical school dedicated to your personal and academic growth, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to become 21st-century doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals. Our teachers, who are experts and leaders in their fields, place great emphasis on creating an inclusive learning environment. Here, students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, with different perspectives and views, can appreciate and learn from one another.

An extraordinary journey of intellectual pursuit and self-discovery awaits you. May you gain not only knowledge but also cherished memories at CU Medicine.

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Professor Song Chunshan

Dean of Science
Wei Lun Professor of Chemistry

On behalf of the Faculty, I extend our warmest welcome to all our newly admitted students. We firmly believe in the potential in every one of our staff and students. We recognise that our members come from various backgrounds, and we are committed to building a welcoming community founded on the core values of Openness, Civility, and Inclusivity. With due respect for one another regardless of our differences and ensuring that admission and progress for staff and students are only determined by personal merit and performance, we aim to be where you get closer to reaching your dreams. At CUHK Science, we uphold the following ideals:

Science Empowers Your Dreams

Learn Science to Better the World

May you find fertile ground at our Faculty to chase after your dreams in science, so that you can contribute towards making our world a better place for generations to come.

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Professor Chiu Chi Yue

Dean of Social Science
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology

May you dream of the unattainable dreams; overcome the invincible enemy; dare go where the brave dare not go before; gallop headlong toward the unknown territories; gather strength and courage after a turbulent time and reach out to the unreachable stars! (Jonathan Livingstone Seagull)

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Professor Ko Wing Hung

University Dean of Students

As you pursue your dreams, I'd like to share a quote from Steve Jobs with you: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." It emphasises passion and dedication, which are essential to overcome any challenges in your future.   Never give up on your dreams as you navigate university life's challenges. Upon embarking on your new journey, the Office of Student Affairs is here to assist you every step of the way. Keep a positive attitude, study hard, and believe in yourself. We take pride in your success. Please don't hesitate to contact us whenever you need assistance or guidance.

(Photo courtesy of CPRO)