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Wu Yee Sun College

The College was established in 2007 with very generous support from the Wu Yee Sun Charitable Foundation Ltd. The College motto is “Scholarship and Perseverance”. In the College’s intimate and dynamic learning atmosphere, students will develop the drive for social entrepreneurship. Through its diverse programmes of general education, college student life, and cultural and overseas exchanges, the College aims to broaden students’ horizons (scholarship), and encourage them to forge ahead (perseverance) in making contributions to society and leading a productive and fulfilling life.

Wu Yee Sun College admits about 1,300 students with 604 hostel places. In support to the College mission of “Entrepreneurial Spirit with Social Responsibility”, the College offers distinctive general education programme, service-learning programmes, comprehensive scholarships and financial aid schemesplentiful international exposure opportunitiesdiversified college life, and unique learning facilities including the Creativity Laboratory and the House of Sunny Living promoting healthy and sunny lifestyle among students, aiming at cultivating creative, passionate and socially responsible future leaders. College also offers different funding schemes to support students in developing their own-initiated projects.

Check out our Admission Page and the Sunny Moments of our students. Learn more about our key initiatives in our Admission Brochure and Admission Scholoarship offered to freshmen.

New Student Orientation Day 2024

8 August (Thu) | Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA)

College Student Ambassadors will be there to share their College experience with freshmen. Come find us!


LT 6

12:30 – 17:00

College Talks

LT 6

Session 1: 13:30 – 14:00

Session 2: 15:00 – 15:30

College Tours

14:00 | 14:20 | 15:30 | 15:50

Gather at LT 6

* Shuttle bus provided

(Subject to changes)

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